Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
agl NONA ZEERO +hands & ova |
1 |
agl boostamin BOOMER +hands |
1 |
alacrity foundations +hands |
9, 16 |
amoxycillin +hands & flower |
5 |
animal hands & circle |
16 |
apnidukaan +hands |
35 |
aqua soft +hands & drop |
11 |
arc drop plant & hands |
5 |
arpenter col +hands cogwhee |
1 |
arrow drop & hands |
5 |
arrows & hands |
40 |
astro gems +hands & pyramid |
45 |
astro vaastu +hands pyramid |
42 |
astro yantra +hands pyramid |
45 |
b-SOL +hands |
1 |
because hands are for ZAPAK |
9, 16, 25, 28 |
best heena +woman & hands |
3 |
bhaiji brand +hands & stars |
30 |
bird hands oval & cross |
44 |
bird & hands |
1 |
birds & hands |
5 |
building coin & hands |
16 |
cardiothoracic +heart hands |
44 |
catch & match MITCO +hands |
23 |
chicken dish & hands |
29 |
circle hands & lines |
9, 38, 42 |
circle hands & oval |
44 |
circle & hands |
5, 16, 29, 30, 35, 37, 39, 41, 45 |
cow hands & container |
29 |
creation OF MR.3X +hands |
25 |
cross hands & men |
42 |
cross & hands |
16 |
cross circle & hands |
17 |
crowns heart & hands |
16 |
deal DINMAY +hands |
6, 18 |
deal ROSHMI +hands |
6, 7 |
deal ROSHMI +hands & oval |
4 |
deal roshmi +hands |
31 |
desktop CREATORS +hands ova |
9 |
hands |
29 |
dog cat hands & circles |
16 |
doted REVON RUBBER +hands |
10 |
dr. MAX +cross & hands |
16 |
drops hands & triangle |
29 |
e e-brand +hands & arcs |
3 |
e-NCOURAGE +hands |
42 |
eye & hands |
41 |
face & hands |
28 |
fine quality +globe & hands |
8 |
flower & hands |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 |
food hands & dish |
42 |
free search +plant & hands |
16, 35 |
g +globe face & hands |
18 |
g GEETA +hands & heart |
42 |
gk hotel GURU KRIPA +hands |
30 |
globe hands & coins |
35 |
globe & hands |
8, 38, 41 |
globe plant & hands |
7, 10 |
gold henna +woman & hands |
3 |
green FLOWER +hands & flowe |
3 |
heart hands & oval |
42 |
heart & hands |
5, 10, 16, 35, 38, 41, 42, 44 |
hexagons & hands |
3 |
hi-GRIP +hands |
12 |
hira pumps +drop & hands |
7 |
indian DREAMS +hands |
9 |
invest india +hands & flowe |
36 |
jaago mumbai +hands |
9, 16 |
jindal NIRYAT +hands |
30 |
jodan +hands |
7 |
join hands with BENTEX |
7 |
just books CLC +hands & boo |
41 |
k.b. SAHKAR +hands |
30 |
hands |
5 |
kripa FOUNDATION +hands |
16 |
lamp & hands |
7 |
m MARSHAL +hands |
9, 11 |
m.f. products SB +hands |
30 |
man hands & arc |
41 |
man & hands |
42 |
mark of purity +hands birds |
30 |
marks +hands book & oval |
41 |
microscope drop & hands |
44 |
minar crescent & hands |
24 |
navbharat +hands & cogwheel |
41 |
nice +hands & squares |
23 |
oval & hands |
5, 37 |
oval arcs & hands |
44 |
paper men & hands |
41 |
paperfix +hands ovals squar |
16 |
parvathi PARKAVI +hands ova |
24 |
plant hands & circle |
16, 25, 30, 37 |
plant hands & oval |
1 |
plant & hands |
1, 34, 42 |
plant globe & hands |
9, 11 |
pooja +hands & flowers |
3 |
pot & hands |
30 |
s +hands |
31 |
s +wreath & hands |
30 |
s MAITHRI +hands & hut |
16 |